Menopause has been a normal stage and state for women since the beginning of our human species, however, what it is, how and why it occurs, what it means to women has only become recently understood and discussed openly. While many women have heard their mother, grandmother or other family members talk about menopause, most of what they have heard or been told, has either been in the form of stories about it, myths or blatant misunderstandings. Certainly, today’s enlightened women know the basics of what menopause is, some have taken time to read about it, while other have questioned their gynecologist, but most still only know a fraction of what they should know, in order to make menopause work for them.
In the past, before the advent of modern anti-aging medicine, menopause was the staging ground of getting old and dying. Today, it is the staging ground for youthening and extending your life for the next 50 or more years. Anti-aging specialist are now telling us that women (also men) will soon moving the age bar from the current life span of 70 years, to a life span of 125 years or more years of age. Imagine living until 125 and then getting there and finding that the bar has once again moved forward from 125 to now 150. As you now move toward and enter into menopause consider that you may ultimately live another 50, 75 or even 100 years. Today, right now, starting with this workshop I want you to learn not just about menopause as a topic, but that you can, if you know what you are doing and do what you need to do, you will likely live another 50, 75 or even 100 years.
Don’t wait, sign up for Women and Hormone Therapy to Treat Menopause, today, right now and start moving your bar forward and plan for your extended future……
Article by Dr. Allen Lawrence, M.A., M.D., Ph.D.