Hormone replacement Therapy (HRT) is not only safe, and does not cause blood clots nor increased risk for Cardiovascular Disease (heart attack and stroke). HRT also does not cause, nor contribute to, any increase in your isk for getting or suffering breast cancer. In fact, it actually can and does, reduce your risk of breast cancer.
While the article implies that both CEE (not a chemical natural to any woman’s body) and synthetic progestogens (also, not a chemical natural to any woman’s body) are fully safe, multiple articles regarding studies done throughout Europe, clearly tell us that Bioidentical Estrogens (Estradiol – E2) and Micronized Bio-Identical Progesterone (both chemicals which are natural to every woman’s body) are not only safer for reducing your risk of breast cancer, but also reducing your risk for Cardiovascular Disease (heart attacks and strokes), blood clots (especially, if you are not a smoker, where the risk of blood clots may actually be increased), but when used together in HRT, also will slow down your aging process. Even better, when used together, they demonstrate an higher chance of increased longevity and increased quality of the life you then live. Yes, you will not only live longer, the quality of your life will be better, but only when you use Bio-Identical Estradiol and Natural Progesterone.
We also see that the younger you start Bio-Identical HRT, the better you chances of preventing breast cancer, heart disease, and living a long and healthy life. That longer life gets even better when you also live safely and if you also choose to eat a healthy diet, think positive thoughts, and exercise regularly. If you do all of that, you will have less medical problems, you age slower, your life will be fuller a and you will experience an overall higher quality in the life you live.
This is what we do at Advanced Wellness Medical. We offer custom HRT programs for women, and custom Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) Programs for men. We also add modules that can tech you how and what to eat ad not eat, and how to activate your immune and healing systems, so that you live longer and stay healthier.
Dr. Allen Lawrence has more than 50 years of experience designing custom HRT and TRT along with Healthy Diet and Healthy Lifestyle Programs for women and for men. If you are 40 years of age or older, start now on your custom prevention program. This is what we do, we prevent men and women from suffering or having to deal with potential life-threatening illnesses, illnesses which are fully preventable, if and when you start early.